Saturday, August 18, 2007

Completely Useless Vocab:

Slip some of these words into conversation to impress your friends or get the girl of your dreams:*

Camouflush: (n.) The unnecessary flushing of a public restroom toilet to mask embarrassing bodily sounds.

Deltiologist: (n.) One who collects postcards

Elecelleration: (n.) The mistaken notion that the more you press an elevator button the faster it will arrive

Lopelooker: (n.) One who pauses to watch their envelope fall into the mailbox before leaving

Passhole: (n.) The person who has been driving slowly for miles but speeds up the minute one tries to get ahead of him.

*The G Spot takes no responsibility for the loss of friends and/or prospective significant-others due to the use of the above vocab words.

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