We're not sure that the University has announced the new alcohol policy yet, but The G Spot discovered a copy and thinks the entire student body should know their new limits prior to the year starting.
There have been several major changes to the alcohol policy which could catch festive Hoyas unawares.
- No Alcohol Paraphernalia - This includes everything from beer pong (beirut, whatever...) tables to empty handles on display. But note that if the occupants of an apartment are over 21, they are allowed two (2) empty handles on display. Any more would be excessive. This also leads to the debate, what constitutes a beer pong/beirut table? As we know well, many beer pong tables are simply wiped off to become breakfast or dinner tables. What was agreed upon is that any tables caught mid-game a
re write-up-able. Also, there are certain tables where their purpose is just not in doubt (in the table to the right the cup spaces are marked by Georgetown 'G's - G spots, if you will).
- Party Registration - will actually be enforced this year. Any person wanting to host a party will be required to attend Party Training. Though a good thought by the University to help students regulate their own parties, the training will hardly ever pay off. The size and composition of a party is rarely decided by the hosts. Also, RAs (which will now be present for Henle, Village A, Village B) will have to patrol registered parties throughout the night. This is supposed to be a friendly encounter, the RA just stopping by to check up on things. Yay. Don't worry, though; when this was announced to the new RAs, many cringed, not wanting to interrupt the festivities.
- Beer Funnels - Ah, this last vestige of primitive alcoholic fun will too be disseminated by the new regulations. Beer funnels are not allowed for anyone in University housing. The rules are unclear as to if funnels and plastic tubing, as separate entities, are treated differently...
Being written up three times due to the aforementioned sanctions is grounds for housing probation or suspension. Aw...shit. Be aware, be vigilant. And separate the funnel from the tubing.
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My roommate's an RA for Village A, so I was asking him about the new rules. Pong tables, due to their variety of uses (such as the occasional aforementioned breakfast), are allowed in apartments. Ping-pong balls can also be passed off as table tennis (and not beer pong) paraphernalia so long as you have some paddles nearby. Also, be careful because the 2 empty containers per apartment rule also applies to containers in the trash can. My solution to this problem? Immolation:
my what a lovely table . . .
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